If you're looking for the perfect blast room equipment for a powder or paint coating operation, there are certain factors to consider. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when creating the ideal blast room.
The Blast Room Enclosure
One of the first things to consider before deciding which blast room to purchase is the type of blasting enclosure you need. Most blast rooms feature a square roof design that allows for better operator movement, along with easier load-in and out and improved lighting. On the other hand, hip roof designs, which are often cheaper, don't provide the combined usability and durability needed for a good blast room enclosure.
Also, keep in mind that the thicker the walls, the more expensive the blast room will be. While you may want a heavy-duty blast room for your application, you may not see many benefits because of the rubber shielding used in these high-wear areas.

Choose the Appropriate Size
It’s also important to ensure that the blast room is the right size. You’ll want to make sure that both your equipment and operators have plenty of room for efficient operation. For instance, if you have tall parts that require blasting, talk to us about a custom-sized blast room that suits your needs. You should also get a blast room with ample width and length to allow the operator to move around parts without putting them in the way of blasting media.
Consider Upgrades to the Enclosure
There are many optional features and upgrades that can make a big difference to operators and their productivity. For example, many blast rooms have conventional swinging doors using louvered openings, but other options are available. These include perforated doors with adjustable splash shields to contain blast media.
Consider customization options when creating your blast room to ensure your facility is the right fit for your business.