If the operations of your facility require fast and efficient cleaning and stripping solutions, then plastic media blasting is the recommended process.
A plastic media room delivers excellent stripping power without causing damage. There are many benefits for choosing a plastic media room over conventional abrasive blast rooms, which we will discuss below.
Smaller Room Requirements
Conventional blasting requires a very large, well ventilated space in order to safely strip, clean and prepare surfaces. These spaces take up a great deal of room which affects the viability of the method for your chosen application. Plastic media blasting, on the other hand, requires far less pressure than conventional abrasive blasting, and as such, the space required to perform the blasting is lower. If you work in a smaller facility, then a plastic media room may be the right choice for your business.

Reduced Hazardous Waste Material
Plastic media blasting uses soft plastic medium applied at low pressure to strip and prepare surfaces, producing less hazardous waste material compared to conventional abrasive blasting. Ventilation requirements are not as strict so the plastic media room can function as a fully contained unit.
Faster Blasting
Plastic media is lighter in mass than conventional abrasive blasting media, which allows it to be applied at a higher velocity rate than other methods, making for very quick work.
Less Damage to Equipment
The low pressure application of plastic media blasting means that you can perform stripping of equipment without damaging the surface beneath the paint. Softer materials such as wax, coatings, sealants and adhesives can be easily removed without damaging plastic surfaces.