> Blast Solutions / Media Recovery / Auger Screw Recovery Systems

Auger Screw Recovery Systems

We manufacture a selection of large capacity abrasive storage elevators. These store a large quantity of media so you can blast longer.

These elevators are ideal when a full recovery floor is not an option, and/or if a rail and cart system can’t be used for loading the booth.

Auger Screw Recovery Systems

These partial recovery floors incorporate one or several auger screw conveyers. A cross screw feeds the elevator, and in some cases a series of longitudinal screws in an “H” or “U” configuration feed the cross screw. We also incorporate an adjustable baffle media metering plate covering the screw, which prevents overloading.

Contact Us

For more information, please get in touch with us via our Contact page.
Alternatively, call our sales team on +1 (800) 331 7744 and they will be happy to advise you.

Airblast AFC Vaculift Recovery System

Vaculift Recovery System

With its high recovery rate, the Vaculift unit is an ideal system for in-house blasting operation.

Airblast AFC Blast Solutions

Rapid Recovery Large Capacity Abrasive Storage Elevators

These systems are ideal for high volume media use and storage.

Airblast AFC AbVac Abrasive Recovery Unit

AbVac Abrasive Recovery Unit

The portable AbVac is an suction unit designed for the collection of abrasive into a bag.

Airblast AFC Airflex


The Airflex Recovery Floor may be used with a wide variety of abrasive media.

Airblast AFC Plastic Media Pneumatic Recovery System

Pneumatic Recovery

Pneumatic abrasive recovery systems may also be used with friable abrasives.

Airblast AFC Portable Airvac Abrasive Vacuum

Portable Airvac Abrasive Vacuum

The Airvac with Cyclone Separator is a compact air-operated vacuum system that recovers abrasives for recycling.

Airblast AFC Portable Garnet Recycler

Portable Garnet Recycler

Airblast AFC's Garnet Recycler helps to deliver a constant supply of recycled abrasive to improve operator efficiency.