About Airblast AFC
Airblast AFC is a specialist provider of surface preparation and finishing products serving a wide range of industries, including marine, civil, offshore, rail, aerospace, automotive, and others.
We offer a complete service covering every part of the project from initial design and installation to training and servicing. Our skilled engineers work with our customers to create facilities that provide the highest levels of performance and efficiency. We offer turnkey blast and paint facilities suitable for a variety of applications including grit blasting, bead blasting, shot blasting, plastic media blasting, shot peening, wet painting, and powder coating.
US-UK Joint Venture
The joint venture was formed in 2008 between Airblast Eurospray and AFC Finishing Systems. UK-based Airblast Eurospray was founded in the 1970s and has over 40 years’ experience in surface preparation providing high quality blasting and painting equipment to the UK market, including blast rooms, abrasive recovery, ventilation systems, blast cabinets, dust collectors, abrasives, and personal protection equipment.

Established in the 1960s, AFC Finishing Systems has extensive experience in surface finishing equipment, manufacturing a range of spray booths, air make-up units, powder coating equipment, and related products. Over the years, the company has used its expertise to design a market-leading range of turbulent-free booths that give customers the ideal spraying environment. Airblast AFC combines the expertise of these two experienced companies to provide high quality blasting and painting solutions to the North American Market.
We pride ourselves on our outstanding customer service and provide a beginning-to-end service, working closely with our customers throughout the project to ensure that they get the best possible solution for their chosen application. Airblast AFC has completed projects for a number of high-profile clients, including Southwest Airlines, Gillig Bus, Clean Harbors, The Andersons, Inc. Mertz Manufacturing Ltd., Rock Island Arsenal Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center in Illinois, and the Missouri National Guard.
For more information about Airblast AFC please call (800) 331-7744.